10 minutes in search of Christ Jesus
Feb. 22, 2025

Matthew 7:27

Matthew 7:27
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Saturday, 22 February 2025


and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.” Matthew 7:27

“And the rain, it descended. And the floods, they came. And the winds, they blew. And they struck the house, that. And it fell, and the falling of it, it was great” (CG).


The previous verse conveyed Jesus’ words concerning the foolish man who built his house on the sand. Of him, it next says, “And the rain, it descended.” The words are identical to the corresponding clause in verse 7:25.


The house is built, its foundation is on sand, and there will be a result forthcoming, just as with the house built on the rock. But what will this result be? Before it comes, the rains have to be sufficient to test the matter. That is noted in Jesus’ next words, saying, “And the floods, they came.”


Again, the words are letter for letter identical to the corresponding clause in Matthew 7:25. With sufficient rain, the water begins to amass and move along. Along with the rains, stormy conditions came, as indicated in the next words, “And the winds, they blew.”


The identical wording continues here. Such accompanying winds are not unexpected, even with a small shower, but when combined with heavy rains and flooding, the winds will add extra stress to a structure. Obviously, the more wind, the more stress is then laid against it. Jesus next continues with, “And they struck towards the house, that.”


The words contain a single small change from the corresponding clause in verse 7:25 –


25 And they fell towards [prospiptó] the house, that.
27 And they struck towards [proskoptó] the house, that.


The house on the rock had rains fall toward it, but it remained unaffected by them. The implication seems to be that by building on the rock, the house was elevated enough to avoid being struck. On the other hand, the house on the sand was right where the floods were moving. Instead of merely falling towards the house, they struck towards it. Surging against it.


Depending on the swiftness of the water, this rushing water would have at least two major effects. The first is to actively hit against the house. The second is to subduct the house as the waters swirled around it. Because of at least one and possibly both actions raging against the house, Jesus says, “And it fell, and the falling of it, it was great.”


The contrast is set forth for the hearer to mentally heed and attend to –


Rock: And it fell not, for it had been founded upon the rock.
Sand: And it fell, and the falling of it, it was great.


In life, a little care and planning can go a long way. As this is true with physical things that we encounter, Jesus is demonstrating through metaphor how much more important it is concerning spiritual things. His words are a foundation of rock when they are heeded and adhered to. Failing to do so leaves one’s future resting on the shifting sands of doom.


Life application: In 2024, three hurricanes hit the area of Sarasota, Florida within just 2 months and 4 days. The damage was extensive, and the words of Jesus were proven true concerning houses. The barrier islands are only sand. They can take a certain amount of wind and flooding, but even with a mild hurricane, there will be changes to the topography.


With larger storms, entire sections of land can be cut through, making two islands out of one. Houses sitting on a sandy foundation can be lifted up and swept away. Those with concrete foundations will withstand more before disaster comes. Those with piles driven deep into the ground, and which are then elevated above ground level, will generally stand even more raging winds and water.


Advance planning and careful thought are needed to determine what type of foundation will work best in any given location. But the point is that a stable foundation will always outlast a less stable one.


If one bases his life’s decision on the words of Scripture, there can be no surer foundation for things to turn out well. This doesn’t mean in this life. Too many people use the words of Scripture almost as a talisman to claim this life will be carefree and without complication when they are adhered to. But there is no guarantee in the Bible for this.


Rather, the surety is in what is spiritual and eternal. What happens here is often common to all men. Hurricanes hit both believers and nonbelievers. Economic collapses will affect both as well. This is a fallen world, and difficulties are to be expected. However, adherence to the word will bring salvation and reward on top of that.


Call on Jesus to be saved. That is recorded in the word. Live in faith and conduct your life in faith and rewards will be credited to you. This is also recorded in the word. Pay heed to what it says. It is the blueprint and guide for living in the presence of our glorious Creator.


Lord God, when we properly consider and apply Your word, things will go well with our relationship with You. When we fail to do so, we are the ones who put up the wall between us. You have made the way known and the path smooth if we will just follow it according to what You have set forth. Help us, O God, to use wisdom and properly follow You all our days. Amen.