10 minutes in search of Christ Jesus
Feb. 15, 2025

Matthew 7:20

Matthew 7:20
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Saturday, 15 February 2025


Therefore by their fruits you will know them. Matthew 7:20


“Hence, from their fruits you will know them” (CG).


In the previous verse, Jesus spoke about what happens to the tree that doesn’t bear good fruit. Because it doesn’t provide fruit for man, it will be cut down. As was seen, having tied the words into their greater context, this pointed to the law versus grace.


The law is likened to a tree with bad fruit because it cannot provide suitable nourishment for man. It was never intended to do so apart from Christ’s perfect fulfillment of it. But this means that He was already in a state of perfection, not that He was imperfect and attained perfection through the law. Understanding the greater context, Jesus next begins His summary thoughts of this part of His thoughts with, “Hence.”


The word ara, hence, is introduced here. It is an illative particle, meaning that it is given when drawing an inference. It is stated when a conclusion is reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning. Jesus’ conclusion concerning those who are likened to bad trees is that “from their fruits you will know them.”


In the case of false prophets, the main subject of this short line of thought, one will be able to discern a false prophet by the fruit he bears. People don’t need to, nor should they be expected to, judge someone simply because of how he looks when preaching. Nor should a judgment be made merely by his oratory skills. Such externals as that can be completely misleading.


Rather, fruit is something external, but which is derived from inside. It expresses that inner aspect in a demonstration of one’s true character. This is to be found in the teaching of such a person as well as a close inspection of the way he lives his life when apart from his time of teaching. These things help identify what a person is really like.


Life application: There are preachers, priests, and teachers who present themselves as if they have great holiness when in church. Catholics, Anglicans, and others wear flowing garments, have big poofy hats, and carry rods with crosses on the top of them. They step carefully and move rigidly showing themselves to be models of piety.


And yet, they may be homosexuals or (as it is common in some churches to ordain women today) lesbians. The disgraceful acts they conduct while away from the church identify their true character. They may even bring their vile teachings into the church while speaking of “inclusion” and “tolerance.” These are code words for the acceptance of perversion and immorality. These are their fruits.


Others may know the Bible well and speak against such things, but they teach law observance rather than the grace of Jesus Christ. They bring people into bondage and a yoke that was removed from Israel on the cross of Calvary. Do not touch! Do not taste! Observe this day to be holy! Their legalism goes on and on. They do not understand grace, they will not permit grace, and they shun those who trust in grace. These are their fruits.


Others may have a carefully constructed message, present it well and demonstrate piety, while reminding people of their theological training and background, and yet they may have lied about the college they attended. They also may have more love of sound doctrine than for the Lord who authored the word that gave the doctrine in the first place.


These may be harder to identify, but eventually, their fruit will be exposed. A good but sad example of this was Ravi Zacharias. He meticulously presented outstanding doctrine, was an exceptional orator, and presented himself as a well-trained and sound theologian. And yet, it was discovered that his life was a lie. He was a sexual deviant, and he claimed positions that he never possessed.


Unfortunately, even though many in evangelical circles knew or suspected these things, they did not speak up because of his influence. People’s lives were harmed and surely many were disillusioned and removed themselves from fellowship because of what they heard. These were his fruits, and they were only exposed after his death when it was too late. But the Lord will render His judgment.


Check! Investigate! Don’t be duped by such externals, even if they include incredible doctrine. Unless you can personally evaluate the individual, always be wary concerning your esteem for him. Instead, send your praise and esteem directly to Jesus who deserves all glory!


Lord God, help us to discern what is right or wrong concerning those we come to for instruction. It is so easy to get allured into a comfortable state around authority figures when we should instead be on guard concerning them and their doctrine. Help us in this, Lord. May our direction be set on a good path, not partaking in unwholesome fruit. Amen.