10 minutes in search of Christ Jesus
Oct. 19, 2023

Acts 21:10

Acts 21:10

Thursday, 19 October 2023
And as we stayed many days, a certain prophet named Agabus came down from Judea. Acts 21:10
The Greek reads, “And remaining many days, a certain prophet came down from Judea, by name Agabus” (CG).
The last verse was a ...

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Thursday, 19 October 2023


And as we stayed many days, a certain prophet named Agabus came down from Judea. Acts 21:10


The Greek reads, “And remaining many days, a certain prophet came down from Judea, by name Agabus” (CG).


The last verse was a short note about Philip’s four daughters who prophesied. Luke next says, “And remaining many days.”


The adjective which is used here is given in the comparative degree. Therefore, Ellicott believes that this means that they stayed longer than originally intended. But because there was still time available, either because of quicker travel on the voyage to Israel than expected, or because they cut another stop short, they stayed on for a while.


The only time limitation that is known to be weighing on them is what it said in Acts 20:16 –


“For Paul had decided to sail past Ephesus, so that he would not have to spend time in Asia; for he was hurrying to be at Jerusalem, if possible, on the Day of Pentecost.”


Therefore, even if they stayed with Philip longer than intended, as long as they had time to spare before the short trip to Jerusalem, it was of no great matter. It is during these “many days” that “a certain prophet came down from Judea, by name Agabus.”


This Agabus is probably the same prophet who was first seen in Acts 11. At that time, it was said that he had come down from Jerusalem to Antioch. Now, it says that he has come down from Judea. Thus, it is highly probable that this is the same prophet again being drawn into the narrative.


Life application: We should be prepared to expect the unexpected. We don’t know what the future holds, and our plans are just that, plans. They may or may not come to pass. If you are in the Lord and living in accord with His word, then wherever you are – regardless of whether your plans are coming about – the Lord has you exactly where He needs you to be.


It may not be comfortable for you, or the changes that come up may be surprisingly nice. But it is where you are, so make the best of it. Throughout the book of Acts, people make plans, and they don’t always come out as originally intended, but time has gone on, and the lives of these people came out in the way God knew they would.


If you can have this attitude when plans get changed or frustrated, you will be much better off in your own mind. Don’t become discouraged but look for opportunities that may have been placed in your path. You are the Lord’s, so have the proper attitude about the situation you are in. He has you there for a purpose.


Lord God, help us to be content in the situations we find ourselves. We make plans, but ultimately it is Your will that we need to be obedient to. If we are living in accord with Your word, then we are in Your will. May we find peace, joy, and contentment in that. Amen.